Monday, March 02, 2020

Gno place like Ghome !!!

Franz Nahrada
 shared a link.
Admin8 hrs
Our friend Tony S. Gwilliam( of ole Archigram fame & Student of Buckminster Fuller) is starting another Open Source Building Community: "The will be a research lab, studio, art, play, stage and performance space, maker-bot space. It’s not just a house, it’s a temple for creative living, a tool to help you live a joyful and creative life. Your home shall be a beautiful functional shelter that can be "tuned in" to provide your personal needs mostly through software, not physical objects. Virtual and augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence, 3D printing and robotic construction of homes are making inroads. No more birthing in the garage, replace your garage footprint with a"

How can this "individualistic" approach be married with Global Villages Thinking? That was the question that Tony asks himself. ....
  • Franz Nahrada "Build a Ghome tool library in each community to link local and global regeneration workers.
    A Ghome provides the global links allowing the new nomads to link their global knowledge and skills with the local skills and knowledge, valuing both provides
     a boost of support for local communities and enables them to contribute to planetary healing.
    With the addition of many new flexible personal technologies and tools the Ghome becomes the building you want it to be. Depending on which tools are on line GHome becomes a school, a home, a clinic, a manufacturing space, a co-working space, temple, a studio, a communication center, a food place, a market, etc. Ghomes shall contain the tools for health, work, sleep, education, communication, creation, research, monitoring, exploration etc. These specialist tools include microscopes, telescopes, maker bots, video equipment, medical diagnostic equipment, and other tools that are now available to the individual with the selection increasing daily . The phone and internet have already become the centralised tool with many faces. The village GHome shall be the container, and shelter for both the tools and the local and global tool users and will also provide an inspirational model home which can be copied byb the community. The GHome shall be a seeding tree in the community and shall naturally grow into a forest.

    Most existing building types and their human and organisational infrastructure are made redundant by new technologies. Ghome is like a radio:- you tune it to the channel or function you want when you want. Forget existing building types, many of which are redundant as the Ghome tool center can act as clinic, school, food storage, energy source, communications center etc.

    Success may require extra Ghomes to become specialist centers with extensions or reductions or relocation as required.

    As these Ghomes evolve and proliferate they shall form a global village : a powerful, responsive, personal and global resource.

    Both the Ghomes and the tools maybe rented and recycled rather than purchased and could well be provided by company donation as their contribution to earth regeneration.

    See Buckminster Fullers Universal Requirements for a Dwelling Advantage Check list"


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