Wednesday, October 16, 2019

a home in the clouds for TCKs.....

The Learning Street was registered with 1million startups last year...

The intention is to build connected learning spaces around the world where members  can drop in and learn using world class freemium content ... 

In teams with a coach, other players, and a lifelong learning plan,  as part of a global community that moves with them if they relocate....

Truly, part of " a home in the clouds for TCKs....." 
seeking to find further investment for Learning Spaces in projects like these below

Mulindwa William

Wed, Oct 16, 12:40 PM (13 hours ago)
to me
Hello Nigel,
Greetings from Uganda especially from Mmanze Centre For Rural Development And Training.Thanks so much for the message.Its quite long without hearing from you.However,we are still interested in sharing information, knowledge, expertise, resources, skills, experience and ideas with different people that maybe willing willing to work with us as onsite and online volunteers.Still ,we interested in improving our online presence,identifying potential people that maybe willing to support our socially and economically needy children and orphans towards their education ,identifying potential donors towards our wash project through construction of rain water harvesting tanks and pit latrines at different schools within our area of operation,establishment of a computer training resource Centre,establishment of an eye and dental care center,linking our school children with pen pals,completion of our students dormitories and construction of staff quarters.
For more information about us we are at https://Macerudetmmanze,
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Mulindwa William 




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