Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sales School for Graduates.... IBM multi city experience - Tools for Life

Vienna Happiness Project - spreading happiness

SMART Academy

Topic. Sales School for Graduates.... multi industry experience

draft - Sales School i, ( IBM Participates )  for graduates:- 12 weeks, 12 companies, 12 industry sectors... ? Companies pick from the 12 team members, after hosting the team for a learning week with sales training, project work and immersion in the company culture, coffee and canteen. Intention - IBM, Allianz, Kapsch, Talent Garden, Billa/SPAR, DM, KTM, Denzel, plus 4.
- instigated SMART and Happy Sales Talks in 2017 with a variety of speakers, including Tom Venning who trains for IBM

Topic. Sales School for Graduates.... IBM multi city experience

draft - Sales School ii ( IBM Leads ) for graduates, across 12 cities in 12 weeks...  12 graduates from 12 cities, interested in selling career. Program takes them to IBM locations. Dublin, New York, London, Vienna, Nairobi, Shanghai, Sydney, Vancouver, Chicago, ... etc

both programs could also be run for 18 year olds pre-University as part of an interesting year out to build skills, experiences and stories to tell...

purpose. create brand ambassadors for IBM. CSR program ( marketing ). pipeline for new hires ....

If the team explore a project at all locations, for example wellbeing and happiness at work, for example looking at how and The Happy Manifesto might add value to the organisation, that might be an additional aspect of interest....

possible allies:-

  • John Matogo
  •  2nd degree connection

University Relations and Digital-Nation Africa Leader for East Africa at IBM

  • Ceri Samvilian
  •  1st degree connection

Life Coach /Administration

  • Angelika Pohnitzer
  •  1st degree connection

Supporting Management Systems at International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

  • Tom Venning
  •  1st degree connection

Trainer, Facilitator and Coach, specialised in B2B Sales, Leadership & Change.

  • Munaa Al Tamimi
  •  1st degree connection

Project Manager  

Friday, November 22, 2019

Giving homeless people an address in the ether ( email) and on the ground, in a Bristol city centre bar...

.... it was obvious years ago that for homeless people not having an address is a problem... .... solutions ??? - Like no-one complaining about MS staff sleeping under their desks at work, giving homeless a desk to learn on the internet at, and to sleep under, might in principle be a small step forward. If it was called "work" perhaps a " one euro job" then who could possibly complain ? .... What are the implications of letting people keep this address forever, or until they find another one ??? please ?

About This Website
Homeless people will also get a free hot drink while they register



  • Nigel Stonham interesting... it was obvious years ago that for homeless people not having an address is a problem... .... solutions ??? - Like no-one complaining about MS staff sleeping under their desks at work, giving homeless a desk to learn on the internet at, and to sleep under, might in principle be a small step forward. If it was called "work" perhaps a " one euro job" then who could possibly complain ? .... What are the implications of letting them keep this address forever, or until they find another one ??? please ?

Poste restante also known as general delivery in North American English, is a service where the post office holds the mail until the recipient calls for it. It is a ...

Post restaUrant.e ??!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Books and Bibles, Vidoes and wifi

I am all for learning to read... learn to read, read tl learn, learn to earn... and there are a variety of ways to learn... and many books to read.... I favour Mr Men and Little Miss, and believe that someone who can read all the books with fluency and intonation and comprehension will be pretty much a native level speaker... The books  re supported by youtube videos of many stories, a good start for those with access and not yet books...

Hello brother's and sisters, here is few of our children's of hopefully community organization s,we have started Bible teaching to our children's so friend we need some Bibles for our children's.
And some basic needs .