Sunday, October 20, 2019

Great! Britain Beyond Brexit

at last
Brexit is behind us

we are moving forward

a group of Brits and ex Brits in Vienna offer you stories and more bout Britain, wiht a view to forging better social and business links to blighty

in plan
exchange trips,
monthly brunch meetings

brunch topics
- 7.11.2019 Great! Britain Beyond Brexit ( Eventbrite ticketing )
- Cre8ive Britain ! sir ken's ted talk
- Musically Speaking
. you must be joking !
- education. get it ? can we hack it ( TED )
- food and drink. Jamies TED talk
- moving images, moving people. film


Blogger mdgb said...

Are we really beyond it? Surely we are only beyond it once the rifts between families have healed, those who suffer in the short-term have recovered (unless suffering is to be the new normal state), years of trade deal negotiation are behind us. People will become of the snake oil merchants, and the gulf between the haves and have nots will not close for many years. A withdrawal deal is only just the beginning. Hold in to your seats.

11:20 PM  
Blogger nige said...

- the world beyond creation ... its still going.... i am sticking a stake in he ground.... its branding, marketing, selling, lke a lot of what i do... its provocative, to be noticed, like Donald Trup in his campaign.... :-) ??

8:45 PM  
Blogger nige said...

building better british bonds beyond brexit, a brunch networking series... ... it is also scenario planning.... perhaps its better to say Graat Britain beyond the Brexit vote of 2016, striving to rebuild a broken nation ???

8:47 PM  
Blogger nige said...

divide naition, striving to connect a divided nation , by no means broken..

8:58 PM  

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