Sunday, October 20, 2019

Happy Aid

Happy Aid - following band aid and live aid,
targeting all living BEings

kids selling lemon aid
teens selling "happy aid" ike band aid , live aid, now happy aid
adults selling ??? ( led to UK Minister for loneliness ) 

step 2 is new, and might divert existing adult activity.... 
we are working on a "happy aid event", 
multi location 24 hour stint on happiness

videos from specialists and live Q&A sessions to follow

looking at various global  locations ..... like the 78 Impact Hubs and 420 SOS Kinderdorfs, small and large 

focus, first draft

Henry  for Corporate Happiness
Mike for City Happiness
Charles for Architechting Happiness

Aymee, Genny, Stephen for delivering Happiness

Imran has local company for corp happiness

About Nigel & Contact

nigel_stonham     nigels  DSCN9594
Summer 2012 I was wondering what my purpose is, and set an intention to spend the rest of my life travelling the world spreading happiness. This based on work in happiness field since 2006. 


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